Integration of a cloud-based IT infrastructure - SBAL Orthopedic "Prof. B. Boychev"

Specialized Orthopedic University Hospital "Prof. B. Boychev" [SOUH] is a medical institution dedicated to treating patients suffering from limb, spine, and joint ailments. Apart from complex interventions dealing with a sudden injury, SOUH treats more than 3,000 patients yearly diagnosed with genetic and extrinsic orthopedic disorders. The institution falls under the Medical University of Sofia's academic umbrella and employs more than one hundred specialized medical staff. To maintain and improve the level of organization needed to support such a complex operation, the hospital requires a solid technical base. Since this has already been achieved in the project's first phase, efforts are now focused on IT capacitybuilding, which would lead to improved productivity.


The institution's leadership deemed the project's first stage successful, thereby triggering phase two. This time, management seeks to vastly improve the technical and labor capacity of the various systems governing the work process. This aim is, in fact, the ultimate goal of the project, with stage one representing the foundation and stage two - the means to achieve business goals via improved productivity.


With a clear goal in mind, we got right down to business. We focused on four major areas, with each one having its purpose but also serving in a complementary role to the others. The four legs of the project were: Design & creation of local network infrastructure, Microsoft 365 enablement, Managed printing services, and File management system.

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