Expansion of existing Active Directory functionalities - Medical University Pleven

Medical University - Pleven [MU-Pleven] is one of the four major medical universities in Bulgaria. The institution admits hundreds of new students every year, while thousands partake in intensive medical courses. MU-Pleven is an active member in the global academic exchange, and markets itself as an innovative institution offering added value to students and faculty alike. In order to sustain its leading position and widen the learning toolset, MU-Pleven had to embark on a journey to digitize its IT infrastructure.


Our previous work with MU-Pleven set the foundation for a cloud-based infrastructure through the creation and integration of an Azure Active Directory. We successfully increased user productivity and enhanced information security. However, there were more challenges ahead. Following newly adopted normative requirements, the university had to integrate its student database with the National Centre for Information and Documentation [NCID], and its student registry, in particular. To complete this task, the university's existing IT infrastructure had to be expanded and upgraded. Moreover, MU-Pleven's main strategic goal was the adoption of a digital approach to learning and collaboration. In practice, this would mean an extended list of online services available to students. To achieve this objective, the institution's infrastructure needed to support remote student and staff access to university files and resources.

During our initial collaboration with MU-Pleven, we refined the existing university infrastructure by building and implementing an Active Directory. The processes and outcomes of this stage are described in detail in another case study that you can discover on our website.

In the project's current phase, our activities focused on expanding the functionalities of the directory. As previously stated, the main reason for this expansion was the need to comply with certain legislation pertaining to student administration. We decided that the best way to meet these normative requirements was to integrate the Active Directory[AD] with the University Information System [UIS]. This enabled further integration with NCID via the student electronic identifier or EAN [European Academic Number]. As a result, information about MU-Pleven's current and past students could now be stored on the Active directory and fed directly to NCID and other internal and external systems. This transition was seamless and smooth, not least because of the choices we made during the setup of the architecture in the initial phase of our work with MU-Pleven.

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