Integration of a cloud-based IT infrastructure - Bul Bio - National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

"Bul Bio - National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases [BB-NCIPD]" is a large state-owned company that specializes in the manufacture of vaccines, immunostimulants, bioproducts, blood derivatives and a whole range of other pharmaceutical consumables. The company is one of the oldest in the country and has been at the forefront of medical innovation for 150 years. Its product portfolio spans more than 600 medications, including the BCG vaccine, which Bul Bio exports worldwide. Following current European healthcare trends, Bul Bio finds itself in need of more computing power, operational safety and technical optimization.


The IT infrastructure that Bul Bio has been relying on in the past years no longer meets the expectations of the organization in terms of capacity, computational power, security, and scalability. MY Synergy has been tasked with solving this problem, with the most obvious solution being an upgrade, or possibly even an overhaul of the company's entire IT infrastructure.


We approached the project with a detailed client assessment and an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of several potential solutions. After careful consideration, we made the decision to overhaul the entire IT infrastructure, but to do so in phases, so as to avoid any mishaps along the way. Redesigning the technical base of a large and well-established pharmaceutical company is an incredibly complex task, and even a small indiscretion can jeopardize the entire process. Naturally, we had to be incredibly deliberate in our execution. Our solution was to go for a hybrid data center, which consists of an Azure base backed by a local server. To achieve our objectives, we undertook three key phases: 1. Creation of a new Azure-based infrastructure and integration with the local base 2. Migration of the existing local infrastructure to the Azure cloud.

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